Operating Portable

One of the greatest joys you can have in ham radio is portable operations and field day. Both allow you to enjoy nature and go out of the big cities where no interferance is. Although I operate in many places my favorite is in the cabin.

I use an elliminator and generator for power and used to operate from a 20m antenna, however in june 2007 I replaced it with a multiband 80-40-20 multiband dipole. Below are some of the pictures I have taken while operating.

Complete setup for operations

Little cabin near by my home town makes a nice spot for operating in the woods

The 20m dipole

Sorry for poor pic...80-40-20 dipole

Arm chair copy

Minus the antenna and eliminator, the radio power supply, tuner, cables, etc. Although the 20m antenna can fit in there as well. I cut out a foam block to keep the ft-857d nice n snug. When you have soo much money invested in your equipment its always nice to protect it.